Thursday, May 24, 2012

My "Book-Shelf"

My Domo Army!
This is a small update, post to show that I'm really going to post in the summer. Anyway, here's some pictures of my bookshelf. These only show half of my shelf because the other half is too messy to show. How many anime series do you see in the upcoming pictures? By the way, there are two figures that are from videogames.
All My Figures

How many anime characters do you recognize?

The large red one was given to me by my teacher. Thank you!

My Bleach manga collection.


  1. Sir, your book shelf shall be mine. Good day c:

    1. It's really annoying, though. Sometimes, they like to fall over and break their heads, or something.

    2. That sounds rather painful ._. I think I just felt my neck pop I picture rolling figurine heads..

  2. Err...I recognize Soul, Maka, Death the Kid, and Ichigo. My anime-recognizing skillz are dead, I fear... (by the way, completely jealous of the Soul Eater ones. I've been trying to find some for ages...)
